Frank Sanazi at Chortle's Fast Fringe
(But why isn't he on at Pleasance Bunker...?)
What do you get when you cross the 20th century's greatest monster with its greatest crooner? Frank Sanazi.
And here he is performing an extract from his Edinburgh show, Das Vegas Nights.
It is on at the Voodoo Rooms at 10.30pm, while Fast Fringe showcases 12 different comedy and variety acts every day of the Edinburgh Fringe (Aug 3-27). See us at Pleasance Dome at 6.50pm. Tickets: https://chortl.es/ffviayoutube
Filming is by NextUp, which will be live-streaming more than 60 shows from this year’s fringe. Subscribe at https://nextupcomedy.com/edfringe/ and use code CHORTLE10 to save £10 on the usual £30 annual pass.
Published: 11 Aug 2022