Christian Brighty at Chortle's Fast Fringe
Being struck by Cupid's arrow
Christian Brighty address the room of ‘common scum’ which is Chortle’s Fast Fringe.
But just as he pour opprobrium on everybody for their hideous looks… Cupid’s arrow strikes. And not for the first time.
The extract comes from his Edinburgh Festival Fringe comedy show, Playboy, which is on at the Pleasance Courtyard at 9.40pm.
Fast Fringe showcases 12 different comedy and variety acts every day of the Edinburgh Fringe (Aug 3-27). See us at Pleasance Dome at 6.50pm. Tickets: https://chortl.es/ffviayoutube
Filming is by NextUp, which will be live-streaming more than 50 shows from this year’s fringe. Subscribe at https://nextupcomedy.com/edfringe/ and use code CHORTLE10 to save £10 on the usual £30 annual pass.
Published: 9 Aug 2022