Bill Burr splits the room with SNL monologue
Talking about cancel culture, the woke movement and gay pride month
Bill Burr hosted Saturday Night Live last night, and divided opinion with his edgy gags.
The comic was especially critical of white women who 'somehow hijacked the woke movement', saying: 'Somehow, white women swung their Gucci-booted feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line.'
He then mocked the sort of woman he was targeting, mimicking her complain: 'My life is so hard. My SUV and my heated seats. You have no idea what it's like to be me.'
Many complained about the gag on Twitter, but one user – Alaina Urquhart – said: 'I love that Bill Burr made a perfect joke about white women making everything about us and then a bunch of white women on Twitter lost their minds because they think it was a mean joke. Thus....proving his point.'
Burr also quipped about racist older people – which fell on stony ground in the room – cancel culture and gay pride month, saying: 'That's a little long, dontcha think? For a group of people who were never enslaved?'
But his provocative tone did not sit well with much of SNL's liberal audience, with some punchlines eliciting uncomfortable laughter in the studio, and many Twitter users branding him 'obnoxious, misogynistic, racist and homophobic'.
Published: 11 Oct 2020