Brad Pitt is Dr Anthony Fauci
On Saturday Night Live
He joked that if anyone was going to play him on Saturday Night Live, he'd want it to be Brad Pitt.
And last night, White House coronavirus expert Dr Anthony Fauci got his wish.
The Hollywood megastar donned a grey wig for the 'cold open' sketch, ridiculing some of Donald Trumps easy-to-mock statements on the pandemic.
For, example when the President said the US would have a vaccine 'relatively soon', Pitt's medic said: 'Relatively soon is an interesting phrase. Relative to the entire history of earth? Sure, the vaccine is going to come real fast. But if you were going to tell a friend, "I'll be over relatively soon" and then showed up a year and a half later, well, your friend may be relatively pissed off.'
Pitt ended the sketch thanking Dr Fauci for his 'calm and clarity in this unnerving time' as well as frontline health workers.
Last night's SNL was the second to be produced remotely, with cast members recording their contributions from their homes:
Published: 26 Apr 2020