Lost Voice Guy on America's Got Talent: The Champions
Judges praise him... but he doesn't get through
Lost Voice Guy made his debut appearance on America's Got Talent last night.
The Consent-born comic, real name Lee Ridley, appeared on the new Champions version of the show, which features successful acts from the US version as well as others around the world.
He impressed the audience and had all four judges – Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel on their feet.
Mandel said Ridley – who won the UK competition last year – was 'my hero... you are hysterical'.
Klum said: 'I think you are teaching us all something today taking an extremely challenging situation and you are finding the humour in it.'
Cowell added: 'You have inspired so many people you are a great guy you are really funny I also happy the American audience got to experience what I experienced on Britain's Got Talent.'
Previous episodes of America's Got Talent: The Champions have featured Piff The Magic Dragon, Tape Face and Paul Zerdin, all of whom were eliminated too.
Published: 5 Feb 2019