Impressionist mimics Iain Stirling
Josh Berry's repertoire also includes Louis Theroux, Andy Murray and Daniel Radcliffe
Impressionist Josh Berry mocked Iain Stirling’s excitable Love Island commentary when he appeared at Chortle’s London Fast Fringe last month.
The mimic also offered his take on Louis Theroux’s documentaries, showed how he thought Daniel Radcliffe’s voice might help him with the ladies, and impersonated tennis players Andy Murray and John McEnroe .
The show was recorded on the day Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary, so Berry took the opportunity to mimic him, too.
Berry’s show. Voice Thief is on at Assembly Hall at 5.35pm daily.
You can watch extracts from a dozen comedy and variety shows every day at our Fast Fringe showcase in Edinburgh. It's on at 18:40 daily in Pleasance Dome. Tickets.
Published: 15 Aug 2018