'It's good to be back'
Jim Tavare tells Chortle's Fast Fringe about his near-fatal crash
Jim Tavare spoke about the near-fatal car accident he suffered last year when he appeared at Chortle’s Fast Fringe in London last month,
He broke 30 bones in the crash, punctured a lung and in hospital he was put into an induced coma for 10 days.
Tavare said one of the things that kept him going during his recovery was all the messages he received on social media – including one which may have had an ulterior motive.
But the set wasn’t all about the accident: he also discussed gardening, keeping chickens and more.
The routine comes from his Edinburgh show From Bedpan To Deadpan at the Counting House at 4.15pm
And you can watch extracts from a dozen comedy and variety shows every day at our Fast Fringe showcase in Edinburgh. It's on at 18:40 daily in Pleasance Dome. Tickets.
Published: 12 Aug 2018