Heckled by citrus
Mark Nelson recalls his most memorable gigs
First gig
My first ever gig was in a nightclub in Glasgow called The Buff Club. It went far better than I could have ever hoped. My second gig was in a pub in Paisley. That brought me right back down to Earth.
Best gig
Dunno if it was my best ever gig but my favourite one was supporting Jim Jefferies at Barrowlands in Glasgow. To play a stage which pretty much every one of my favourite bands in history has played was a genuine dream come true.
Gig that changed my life
It was very probably winning the very first Scottish Comedian of the Year final. I was barely six months a comic and was playing to a room of more than 300. Was the night that convinced my shy, nervous brain that I might actually have a future in this.
Strangest audience member
During my Fringe show once I had a Belgian man in a suit who wouldn’t stop telling me that Belgium had the most paedophiles of any country in the world. Never seen someone so proud of their nation as that.
Worst heckler
I had a woman throw an entire lime at me while I was on stage once. Dunno whether that makes her the worst or best heckler I’ve ever had. Certainly the most prepared.
• Mark Nelson is performing his show Brexit Wounds at Gilded Balloon Teviot at 8pm.
Published: 21 Aug 2019