07/08/2019 …
On the strength of a very successful year, Phil Wang joined the very exclusive club of comedians who sold out their entire Fringe run before the festival even…
06/08/2019 … TV PREVIEW: The title This Way Up is intended as a wry acknowledgment of how Aisling Bea’s character Aine is struggling to reorientate herself towards normality…
06/08/2019 … A self-deprecating Aussie who’s well aware that his nasal tones can be irritating, Ray Badran offers a lightweight hour of disconnected anecdotes and wry observations.
06/08/2019 … There may be some disappointed yachtsmen coming to this show in their sou’westers, for there is absolutely no reason for that baffling ‘u’ in the…
06/08/2019 … This is mild-mannered lunchtime stand-up of familiar observation, gentle puns and modest ambition, nicely presented but too superficial to leave a lasting impression.
06/08/2019 … Swashbuckling lothario Don Rodolfo smashed his way on to the comedy scene last year with all the braggadocio and fiery passion you’d expect from a legendary…
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