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Here are our reviews of comedy Gigs
Mon 01 January 2001

Hollow Men: A Tribute
01/01/2001 … This is a pretty disappointing effort for a talented group that last year produced one of the funniest shows on the fringe.

Sweet Bobabola
01/01/2001 … Bob and Bill must be the most mild-mannered double act in comedy.

Let's Have A Shambles
01/01/2001 … Harry Ainsworth, game show and chat show host extraordinaire, is a bizarre cross between Dale Winton and Robert Kilroy Silk.

Richard Herring: Christ On A Bike!
01/01/2001 … Richard Herring's had a busy year - churning out an unprecedented number of scripts for Al Murray's enjoyable Sky One sitcom.

Fat Fat Pope
01/01/2001 … Someone's been listening to Chris Morris' Blue Jam.

Tommy Tiernan 2001 tour
01/01/2001 … There's a certain lyrical beauty to Tommy Tiernan's stand-up.

Bill Bailey: Bewilderness
01/01/2001 … With The Lord Of The Rings movie in production, what better time for Britain's most Tolkeinesque comedian to take to the road again.