Elliott Tiney – Original Review
01/11/2005 … Newcomer Elliott Tiney sounds very much like someone trying to be a stand-up; not an actual stand-up but rather how an actor might imagine one to be.
Here are our reviews of comedy Gigs
01/11/2005 … Newcomer Elliott Tiney sounds very much like someone trying to be a stand-up; not an actual stand-up but rather how an actor might imagine one to be.
28/10/2005 … More drag-act high camp than fully former character, Charlie Hides’s Kandi Kane Baxter is a broadly-drawn, over-the-top grotesque of a high-maintenance Californian…
27/10/2005 … A tricky act to nail down, is Danny Deegan.
25/10/2005 … Newcomer Sean Moran has a set that just seems too dull to really connect.
21/10/2005 … Rick Kieswetter's a Japanese man, bought up in the States by a German and an Italian, and now living in England.
05/10/2005 … Shanyaski is a nicely descriptive conversationalist, recounting various incidents with an eloquent turn of phrase and an amiable manner.
01/10/2005 … Bloom's obsessive enthusiasm for the art of comedy is patently obvious from the moment he bundles onto the stage in a buzz of nervous energy.
01/10/2005 … Newcomer Paul Betney has a form of sclerosis which makes him shake incessantly.
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