Maisie Adam: Buzzed
Edinburgh Fringe comedy review
Even more than halfway through the Fringe, when many comedians are flagging, Maisie Adam maintains a giddy glee about being on stage. Those months of Zoom gigs and punters forgetting to press mute must still be hauntingly fresh in her mind.
But then she’s so infectiously upbeat about everything, with a ‘get in!’ spirit of triumphalism about how great her life is going. Buzzed applies to her whole attitude, not just the partial buzzcut she gave herself in lockdown – a distinctive style she recognises might have been a mistake, yet she chooses to celebrate. Typical her. And there’s plenty more positivity where that came from.
Professionally, she’s living the dream by getting to appear on her favourite shows, like Soccer AM and Have I Got News For You – and won’t even let Ian Hislop forgetting her name dampen that success.
Personally, she is in a happy relationship, with her boyfriend proposing in Prague, getting anxious about hitting the perfect moment and losing his nerve more than once.
And socially, she found friendship and acceptance on a local football team in Brighton that isn’t, technically, for her. It’s a moment of warmth and inclusivity she contrasts with certain other, male, football fans who berate casual supporters for their lack of commitment, alienating them from ever wanting to get involved any deeper.
Adam is similar to Adam Hills in her gregarious optimism, always seeking to promote the best in people while scoring some points against the small-minded – usually sexists in her case, like the trolls who try to belittle any woman in comedy.
The misogyny inherent in the marriage ceremony is apparent to anyone who’s ever tied the knot. Still, Adam’s takedown is precise and spirited, enlivened by some spot-on phrases as she likens brides to property being exchanged. Which, once upon a time, they were.
Her infectious good cheer elevates topics both familiar and mundane, such as the gift of a houseplant, and you’ll emerge from her hour (well, 70 minutes, proving once again just how much she loves being on stage) feeling a whole lot better about the world.
• Maisie Adam: Buzzed is on at Gilded Balloon Teviot at 5.30pm
Review date: 21 Aug 2022
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett
Reviewed at:
Gilded Balloon Teviot