Brett Blake: Bogan Genius
Note: This review is from 2019
Melbourne International Comedy Festival review
Bogan Genius suggests either an hour unsophisticated ocker comedy, or some cheap gags at the expense of the working class.
But if Brett Blake has a lesson, it’s that you shouldn’t judge a bloke by his mullet. For he thwarts expectations by serving up an entertaining first-hand story of being written off as a tearaway at school – only to prove his teachers wrong.
So, to adapt another cliche, he has his VB and drinks it. There are tales of wayward youthful misbehaviour as he describes being suspended 20 times by Year Three – but also punchlines about the Dewey Decimal System, even if that instance is quickly followed by a disclaimer that he doesn’t really understand what he just said.
For although Blake is bright – and has the test results to prove it – he still appears distrustful of appearing smart, as that doesn’t sit well with the idea of being down-to-earth bloke.
That fear of any knowledge – at least the sort of knowledge that isn’t related to the driving of medium rigid heavy vehicles – is not fully explored. Instead Bogan Genius emphasises the message that apparent no-hopers like him can thrive with the right teacher and the right encouragement. Thought maybe not every ‘bogan’ kid has a high IQ, as he does.
Other topics such as ideas of masculinity and the treatment of kids with learning difficulties are addressed in passing, too, though Blake never labours the point, retaining the stance of an ordinary Aussie bloke just sharing his tales. And there’s certainly an easy-going, matey bonhomie to his on-stage manner.
So Bogan Genius is fairly straightforward in that sense, enjoyable for everyone, even there is a little more going on than might first appear.
Review date: 10 Apr 2019
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett
Reviewed at:
Melbourne International Comedy Festival