Note: This review is from 2016
Review by Julia Chamberlain
Treat yourself. Toby Adams is an unsung, uncool, low key cult comic act in the making. His self-effacing approach to posters and flyers makes it almost difficult to find his show. I was delighted to find one of his minimalist flyers at the venue because I’d loved last year’s show so much, the fishing-based, Quivertip and didn’t know he was in Edinburgh this time.
He has the gift of making a tiny audience feel so welcome and just the right number that it’s almost pleasing that there aren’t more people there, it’s a little gift from performer to audience as it is. But it would be more pleasing for him if a few more of you turned up, and enjoyed yourselves before a late lunch.
Fit is utterly daft and lighthearted. Adams can move seamlessly from pre-show chat until you suddenly find yourself caught up in his show without realising it’s started. The interaction is so gentle and charming and unthreatening, it just feels like cooperating towards a common goal. And that goal is forging path to happiness through fitness without ever having to join a gym. There’s a lot of silly fat measuring (he’s in good shape), drawing, filming, it really is a team effort. A most relaxing, giggly show to start your afternoon with a feelgood experience.
He plays low-status but is not unconfident and has quiet charisma which endears him to the audience, whatever their number. Now, go and support a truly Fringey, uncorporate, modest show. And then sit back and wait for next year’s.
Review date: 22 Aug 2016
Reviewed by: Julia Chamberlain
Reviewed at:
Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside