Joseph & Stacy: Live
Note: This review is from 2016
Brighton Fringe review by Steve Bennett
Joseph and Stacy bill themselves as the purveyors of the ‘web’s freshest sketch comedy’… though you would be forgiven for having missed them: their most popular YouTube offering has just 670 views.
The two young lads are a likeable but immature double act – sometimes in their sense of humour (Exhibit A: the character in the opening scene called ‘Luigi Cuntismell’) but more crucially in knowing what their sense of humour is. They have a scattergun approach that defies definition of what a typical Joseph and Stacy sketch might look like; they’ll try anything, regardless of fostering any sense of personality.
At its worst this means several glib scenes dropping in paedophilia as a cheap punchline. They try to head off criticism by pointing out how inappropriate they are being, but the ironic detachment is a cheap cop-out here – and elsewhere is clumsily used to weaken jokes that would benefit from sincerity. Typical millennials…
Yet they can make a dark streak work better when they apply themselves beyond the lazy references: notably a children’s TV spoof that takes a bleak turn. It’s not perhaps the most inspired premise, but it’s executed very well.
Their relative lack of experience shows itself in other one-idea scenes that don’t develop beyond the germ of the original idea: what if a priest were to tweet secrets from he confessional? And a quick parade of characters not properly developed tries to make a virtue of their lack of depth, but brevity is really their only asset.
Other scenes are old hat: What if we delivered pop lyrics seriously? What if men behaved like stereotypical women on a night out? Yet these sketches get plenty of laughs because of the duo’s impishly stupid approach and commitment to the gag. This reaches its peak in their best sketch, a retelling of the Titanic movie from a different perspective; while the easy task of picking holes in the Cinderella stories is pulled off with similar deftness.
For the flaws in writing, the energetic performance goes a very long way, especially Charlie Joseph as the more hapless clowny half of the partnership; smaller, hairier, less sophisticated, a Baldrick to the slicker Tom Stacy’s Blackadder . They are largely joyous in their mucking about and playing silly beggars – literally, in one scene – and can be joyful to watch.
And occasionally the lack of the unifying style works in their favour: a crazily surreal slice of avant-garde theatre really surprises – even if the meta callback that they hope explains it, actually dilutes the randomness.
Inconsistencies aside, they are still new enough to find a strength of direction and more consistent depth in writing – especially if they commit to performing in front of live audiences as well as trying to build up a a fan base from noodling about online. Give them a couple of years and they could genuinely be making waves.
Review date: 23 May 2016
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett