Lee Brace – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2009
Review by Steve Bennett
Newcomer Lee Brace is a very straightforward comic, so much so that he never deviates from the line of giving you exactly what you expect. It’s perfectly well done, but so short on surprises or real interest that his set just washes reassuringly over you, without making much of an impression.
There’s material on how he hasn’t got any friends, on how he looks like the Proclaimers (like every comic with thick-framed glasses since 1987)… and just how annoying are those recorded messages you get at call centres. If only there was an option: ‘Press 5 for better comic inspiration’.
He has a nice line about lava lamps, but that’s not a solid enough basis for an entire routine.
Review date: 1 Dec 2009
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett