Alex Boardman – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2009
Review by Steve Bennett
Oldham lad Alex Boardman is a master of working the room, with plenty of energy, confidence and lively banter to enthuse any audience.In some respects, he’s relatively mainstream, for want of a less pejorative word, with a showman’s command of the stage, a cheery demeanour and a bulk of material that’s grounded in those two most common of comedy topics: sex and drugs.
The latter is fairly straightforward fare, as he talks about driving under the influence of various substances. But his sex talk has more of a ring of truth, coming from the point of view of a man the wrong side of 35 for whom the excitement has long faded. He’s not the first comic to talk about age dampening passion, nor will he be the last, but it’s fast and funny, enlivened by his upbeat delivery.
Yet there are also parts of his routine that certainly couldn’t be described as mainstream, as he can demonstrate a savage bad taste, quipping, for example, about Jade Goody as she lies dying of cancer. Edgy material like this won’t be what him the primetime chat show, but it is as hilarious as it is wrong, proving he’s not afraid to flirt with the offensive if there’s a good gag at the end of it. And, again, he plays off the audience’s mixed reaction to such lines wonderfully.
As the complete package, Boardman stacks up impressively. Not every chunk of material is for everyone, but you’d have to be made of the sternest stuff not to chuckle at a good proportion of it, delivered as it is with such style and verve.
Review date: 26 Feb 2009
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett