Wee Man – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2008
Review by Steve Bennett
The Wee Man is one of several broad caricatures of scummy, feral youth currently doing the circuit. But it’s hard to see much that sets his squawking caricature of a Glaswegian ned apart from any other chav, scally, schemie or bogan.The material is very hit and miss. He takes some very easy pot-shots at the Americans and the English, and leans heavily on aggression and swearing to provoke a reaction. And the character beneath the Burberry cap and 'Fuck Yeez' T-shirt is one-dimensional.
But there are glimpses that he could be better than this, such as a nice gag about the poverty line being draw around his house and an entertaining bit of business about the difference between a golfer and a threat to national security being down to nothing more than the angle of your baseball cap.
He's also a rapper with an impressive YouTube following – more than1.5million downloads and counting. But in a stand-up set, the character still struggles to stand out.
Review date: 29 Sep 2008
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett