Paul F Taylor – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2008
Review by Steve Bennett
Paul F Taylor has the air of an attention-starved kid showing off to his visiting relatives.He’s excitable and noisy, often seeming too concerned with getting attention over what he’s actually saying. This desire extends to his attempts to be quirkily cool – witness the ‘gay Rambo’ headband – but it doesn’t sit that easily with him. Confident, he may be, but he doesn’t come across as that natural.
He also takes umbrage when he doesn’t get him the response he thinks he deserves. At the gig Chortle saw him at, he repeatedly told the audience how quiet they were being and what a sluggish night it was – comments that are never going to turn a situation around. And truth is, the headliner got the crowd laughing, proving there was nothing intrinsically ‘bad’ about the gig.
Despite this, his material, though inconsistent, does show signs of promise, with a few nicely offbeat lines standing out from his cluttered performance. But he could do with relaxing more, and letting the jokes speak for themselves.
Review date: 10 Jul 2008
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett