David Whitney – Original Review
30/11/2007 … Aberdonian posh-boy David Whitney is a graduate of the Mitch Benn school of delivery; a powerful baritone who hectors the audience into listening by sheer force…
Here are our reviews of comedy Gigs
30/11/2007 … Aberdonian posh-boy David Whitney is a graduate of the Mitch Benn school of delivery; a powerful baritone who hectors the audience into listening by sheer force…
30/11/2007 … If Jewish people can crack Jewish jokes, and Irishmen Irish jokes, why shouldn’t a disabled person do ‘crip’ gags?That’s the philosophy behind Liz Carr’s…
27/11/2007 … Every comic is inspired by those who’ve gone before them, but James Mason’s debt to Stewart Lee is just so ingrained in everything he says, and the way he says…
26/11/2007 … David Meech has been around for a couple of years now, in which time he’s developed an engaging, confident manner, and competent stagecraft.
26/11/2007 … Joe Bor is still a newcomer to stand-up, so has to rely on his day job as a teaching assistant to pay the bills – and a good thing that is, too.
23/11/2007 … Newbie Laura Mugridge has a chattily charismatic stage manner; bubbly and sweet-natured with a flick of relaxed spontaneity to help endear her to the audience.
23/11/2007 … Pete Gold has some material about the Home Counties suburb where he lives, passing comment on how it’s a genteel Fifties timewarp, where nothing much happens.
22/11/2007 … Rob Rouse’s greatest asset – by a long chalk – is his unquenchable energy.
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