Scott Capurro – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
Scott Capurro is brutally uncompromising in his attitude, defiantly challenging audiences to accept him for what he is, however unpalatable that may be.Because what he is happens to be is an intolerant, self-centred, snidey, sarcastic, arrogant venomous man, who cannot disguise his contempt for humanity. He doesn’t like the world, and makes no concession to make the world like him. He speaks as his embittered mind finds, no matter what the consequences.
Yet while these may not be admirable qualities in real life, they certainly work in his favour as a comic. He is attitude personified, spitting out the unsayable, with the almost inevitable howls of protest bouncing off his bulletproof exterior.
Be in no doubt this rancorous gay San Franciscan is a shock comic, revelling in the reaction his barbed comments receive. Nothing is off-limits, be it bad-taste asides about Madeleine McCann, crude sexual references, or the ultimate taboo: seemingly racist gags. He wants to prick at the predominantly middle-class, liberal sensibilities of comedy club audiences, and will be as confrontational as it takes to do it.
With any act that trades on offensive material, there needs to be a trust between comic and audience about the true intentions of the material, but Capurro blurs that line. There’s no obvious ironic wink, just an unrelenting tsunami of insensitive, acrimonious, unpleasantness.
Many audiences don’t take to this at all, and his unyielding stance can drive a gig into the ground, given how difficult he can be to watch, even if you do see where he’s coming from. On the other hand, if you are seeking comedy with genuine edge, he’ll give it – as long as you are prepared to accept the consequences of being bombarded with gags you probably didn’t really want to hear.
Sometimes Capurro’s desire to shock overwhelms the comedy, leaving just vicious spite and no punchlines. But when he hits is stride, with a tirade of brutally savage jokes delivered with razor-sharp timing, the effect is guiltily enjoyable. You’ll go to hell for this, but at least you’ll go down laughing.
Review date: 14 Dec 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett