Stuart Goldsmith – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
Former street performer Stuart Goldsmith has a pitch-perfect delivery; with every nuance carefully calculated for maximum impact. The tricks of the comedy trade haven’t passed him by. But there are buts…His short set comes in two halves. In the first, he finds himself walking intimidatingly behind a woman late at night and so tries – and fails – to convince her he’s no threat. Problem is, he’s not the first act to come up with this premise and its unfolding drama – even though Goldsmith does give the tale a strong ending, setting up a smart callback along the way.
The other, more enjoyable, half concerns British Sign Language translations – and it’s where his performance skills really shine, providing for a jaunty few minutes of undemanding entertainment
Review date: 1 Aug 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett