Tara Flynn – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
Flynn has a low-key approach, softly spoken and conversational with a quietly engaging manner.
Yet that alone does not a comic make, and her material is only mildly amusing at best; offering a simple retelling of tales with little comment or bite.
She speaks of a recent visit to India, which provides the cue for the scatalogical unpleasantness you might expect, the easy dismissal of the middle classes who go there to ‘find themselves’, and even a spot on airline security.
What you can say for her tales is that they are well illustrated, as she brings her impressive vocal talents to bear on characterising the people she talks about.
So effective is her voice, that it comes as little surprise that it’s been used on countless advertisements – and she’s even the pre-recorded voice on the O2 network in Ireland.
Audiences are rightly impressed by this – more so, perhaps, than they are by her actual material – but it’s a fact that only has so much currency, and she spends every last cent, taking the ‘what if I were to do this…’ scenarios beyond exhaustion point.
It’s a shame such an obviously gifted performer doesn’t have more substance to work with.
Review date: 18 Jun 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett