Zoe Lyons – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
She calls herself "the Cherie Blair of stand-up", thanks to a similar pillar-box mouth. But Lyons' accent, and delivery style, is more Marty Caine - if Marty Caine had been a tattooed lesbian from Brighton, that is.
Her strength is in that delivery: Bold, brash and in command from the second she takes to the stage, her very presence screams "comedian".The audience don't really have a chance.
These talents have given her a racing start on the circuit. But, ironically, her strength might also be her Achilles' heel. Less skillful performers who struggle to hold a room's attention end up slaving over their material, sweating over every word and nuance to squeeze every last drop of comedy out of it.
The cocky Lyons, on the other hand, has things easier; and being able to carry off even the most pedestrian of material is not the best incentive to sharpen the writing.
Hopefully, as she becomes more established, she'll start working outside her comfort zone. She has an almost-fireproof approach - her sheer force of personality carries almost anything off - that should let her tackle more challenging areas without fear. The alternative would be another so-so comic getting away with so-so material, simply because she can.
Review date: 1 Mar 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett