Rob Collins – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
An affable, personable chap, Collins certainly provides good company for the duration of his act.
Given this generally cheery demeanour, it’s something of a surprise to learn that he has suffered clinical depression and alcoholism. It’s even more of a surprise that his day job is running a central London pub.
All these past demons he mentions in his good-humoured set, offering hints of something edgier. But he never dares go too far down that route for fear, perhaps, of becoming too introspective, or alienating audiences who want their laughs kept straightforward.
And that is exactly what this relative rookie gives them – jolly observation-led quips and anecdotes about the likes of his Irish father or his unconventional chat-up techniques; all instantly accessible fare
In style, he’s not especially distinctive, but the material’s competent and told with the sort of natural chattiness it’s impossible to dislike. For better or worse, that all makes him a fairly safe bet.
Review date: 26 Jan 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett