Miles Jupp – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2004
Review by Steve Bennett
Jupp's fantastic, ultra-posh gentrified character is a truly excellent comic creation, backed up with some genuinely unexpected punchlines
With a brilliantly patronising attitude and amusingly misguided attempts to be the stereotypical laddish stand-upm the smart lines all all hit the spot.
Such an aloof, upper-crust persona isn't the most obviously easy to warm to with the comedy lying in the smartly-crafted material rather than easy repartee and Jupp's set is too tightly scripted to allow him much room to manoeuvre if things go awry.
But the material is top drawer, and his social inadequacies are as often the target of his cruel jokes as the proles he so looks down on.
Review date: 1 Sep 2004
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett