Christian Reilly – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2004
Review by Steve Bennett
As a member of Otis Lee Crenshaw's backing band The Black Liars, Christian Reilly has certainly had plenty of opportunity to learn the art of comedy at the feet of a master, if only by osmosis.
He's a natural on stage, demonstrating a keen sense of piss-taking, finding his target's weakest points and going in for the kill - and he can even point that satire at himself if a gag falls on stony ground.
Starting with a couple of obvious, but effective musical one-liners, the cheeky Reilley quickly moves on to execute some astute hatchet jobs on modern musicians.
Away from the guitar, his stand-up is witty and heaving with punchlines. With the instrument, things are less sure, with just a couple too many musical comedy cliches for my liking.
His calling card is a musical version of Star Wars - and no doubt many hearts will sink at the idea of such a well-worn topic. Still, he has great fun with it, and finds some new things to say - even if he does ultimately milk the idea dry.
And the comedy all comes wrapped up in an assured, cheeky but also self-effacing manner that will win over all but the hardest hearts and minds.
Review date: 1 May 2004
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett