Kiell Smith-Bynoe: I could have done one more series of Ghosts | least financially speaking! © Dish/Waitrose/S:E Creative Studio

Kiell Smith-Bynoe: I could have done one more series of Ghosts least financially speaking!

comedyKiell Smith-Bynoe said he could have done another series of Ghosts… if only for the money.

The comedian, who played Mike it the hit BBC comedy, also praised his co-stars as ‘the funniest performers in the country’ and said he missed filming the show.

Speaking to the Dish podcast, he was asked about the sitcom ending after five seasons and said: ‘The creators decided that that was it. And yeah, called it a day at five, which is great.

‘I could have done one more. Financially speaking, could have done another one.’

‘You take those things for granted when you're doing it, and you complain about how cold and dusty the house is, but then when it comes around to the next January and you're not working, you wish to be back in that cold old house. 

‘We really loved it and we love each other and became a family. And also they’re the funniest performers in the country, I would say, so it was a real pleasure to be a part of that. 

‘People still come up to me and say nice things  because it's a show that has brought people together. And there's not a lot of shows that I feel like our entire family can watch from grandchildren up to grandparents.’

Smith-Bynoe also told hosts Nick Grimshaw and Angela Hartnett that he rarely gets nervous on stage… but performing rap in his String V SPITTA stage show did give him the jitters.

He said: ‘The only time that I can think of me being really nervous is when I was performing something that I'd written. I've always improvised, like, since I was, like, 12, I've been part of improvisational comedy groups, so I've always done it. 

‘The first time I wrote my own thing that I was going to be performing, suddenly, as the audience were coming in, I was like, "what if it's not funny?" If you're improvising and it's not funny, then fine. I just made that up. It's still good. But if you're if you've written something that's supposed to be funny…

‘So that was when I felt really nervous. I did a show called The Crooners, which is about two Rat Pack-style lounge singers, and me and my friend Brendan Murphy, we wrote and performed that together. That was the first time I felt crippling nerves.

‘But then I did a show like a few years later called String V SPITTA which is about two rival children's entertainers, and the nerves about that were for the music. Because we had a lot of songs in it So my character was a grime MC called MC Spitta. And that's where I got to bring back my rap stuff. 

‘If you mess up a song, it's so obvious that you messed up because it's in within the time, then the chorus is coming and all that stuff. Whereas if you mess up a line, you can sort of work your way around. But you can't really do that with a song. Those are the two times I've been nervous in my life, yeah. ‘

And here he is talking about the laziest thing he has ever done...

 • Dish from Waitrose is available from all podcast providers.

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Published: 19 Jun 2024

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