I used to be terrible at maths...
Tweets of the week
Tweets of the week
Nigel Lawson has died. But despite the overwhelming evidence of science, for balance we’re going to talk to somebody who says he hasn’t.
— Jon Harvey (@jondharvey) April 3, 2023
You should be allowed to speak at regular volume at galleries. Oh sorry did I talk over your painting? fuck off
— Glenn Moore (@TheNewsAtGlenn) April 1, 2023
If boarding school taught me anything it's how to get on planes and trains.
— Bob Golen (@BobGolen) April 3, 2023
I used to be terrible at maths but now I’ve done a complete 360.
— Gary Delaney is on tour now (@GaryDelaney) April 5, 2023
I took out a loan to pay for an exorcism - if I don't pay it back I’m getting repossessed.
— Olaf Falafel (@OFalafel) April 3, 2023
I was very excited to join the amateur autopsy club.
— mariana Z (@mariana057) April 5, 2023
Friday is open Mike night!
>’Enter new password‘
— Alf (@whoelsebutalf) April 3, 2023
~ 'BaDum'
> ‘Password must contain a cymbal‘
~ 'BaDumTsss'
Opinions are like arseholes: I don’t want Ann Widdecome's shoved in my face
— Craig Deeley (@craiguito) April 2, 2023
Quote of the week
'I’m not an expert in comedy at all.' Jim Moir, aka Vic Reeves.
Published: 7 Apr 2023