I'm Sorry I Haven't Apocalypse...
Clue will be played in case of nuclear war
In the event of nuclear war, the last thing you hear may be a chorus of swanee whistle and kazoo.
It’s not a new four-minute warning… but the revelation that old episodes of I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue are among the archive programmes the BBC has ready to play out as we await Armageddon.
‘Someone told me that the BBC has a vault of programmes to be played in the case of nuclear war and Clue is among them,’ panellist Graeme Garden.
And when journalist Mark Lawson asked if that meant ‘the last thing Britons ever hear may be ingenious innuendo about Piers Morgan or Samantha?’ the comic replied: ‘Yes. But we wouldn’t get the repeat fees.’
» Mark Lawson on 50 years of I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.
Published: 11 Apr 2022