I tried to buy a Nerf gun...
Tweets of the week
Tweets of the week
can’t believe the news about everyone that has been in John Lennon airport this week having to self isolate 😧😧 imagine all the people
— caitlyn 🍒 (@caitlynburns07) September 17, 2020
I wish someone would do something about my lack of initiative.
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) September 11, 2020
Sadly, due to the change in law, Kelis’ milkshake will now only be allowed to bring a maximum of six boys to the yard.
— Pundamentalism (@Pundamentalism) September 17, 2020
I tried to buy a Nerf gun in France and ended up with eight more than I wanted
— Toby Earle (@TobyonTV) September 14, 2020
I’ve just seen on the new that a Hermes delivery driver was killed and his body dumped in a bin. So at least it’s what he would’ve wanted.
— Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney) September 18, 2020
I worry about Steps reforming. These things can escalate.
— Robin Flavell (@RobinFlavell) September 15, 2020
Why "gallbladder surgery" and not "mo' bile operating system"?
— The Original Twitflup! (@TheRealFlups) September 15, 2020
Published: 18 Sep 2020