When God created wind
Tweets of the week
Tweets of the week
hey girl are you a greggs steak bake cause you are so hot but also incredibly flaky
— Joe Lycett (@joelycett) September 11, 2020
By the way, ‘sheep’ is singular and plural, but sheeple is the words sheep and people, so is the singular still sheeple or sheepson? Whatever most of you say on this, I’ll just agree.
— Carey Marx (@CareyMarx) September 5, 2020
I’ve been asked to officially open a bomb disposal school. They've given me some big scissors and I have to cut the red ribbon… or is the blue ribbon?… no, it’s the definitely the red ribbon... or it could be the green ribbon.
— Olaf Falafel (@OFalafel) September 6, 2020
The worst thing about getting new hearing aids is finding out your kids have brummie accents.
— Steve Day (@TheRealSteveDay) September 8, 2020
God: I've invented wind
— Andy Ryan (@ItsAndyRyan) September 10, 2020
Adam: I don't like it
God: It's only the first draught
Uranus is part of arseholer system.
— The Original Twitflup! (@TheRealFlups) September 8, 2020
Having spent ten years investigating the genome it's time to announce my findings. They've got pointy red hats, fishing rods and like sitting on big mushrooms.
— Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney) September 9, 2020
Published: 11 Sep 2020