The virus inspires us
Comics dedicate a whole night to Covid-19
While the coronavirus is closing down comedy nights left, right and centre, one enterprising promoter has decided to make the best of it.
Comics appearing at a club night in North London later in the month – to be hosted by Smack The Pony star Fiona Allen – are being told that every joke.
Rox Comedy promoter Bentley Browning said: ‘There's only one subject which has hijacked nearly every conversation recently: corona.
'Every comedian seems to have a virus-themed opener and loads of acts doing my club have been dealing with it in their acts... so I thought why not dedicate a whole night to it?
'There's so much bleakness and doom around.. we need to laugh and humour is a way for many people to deal with it. I'm sick of the mainstream media's rampant scaremongering.
'Any jokes connected to the theme of this crisis will be accepted: dark, conspiracy, hopeful, human... whatever.'
The gig takes place at The Washington pub in Belsize Park, North London, on March 25. More details here.
Published: 15 Mar 2020