Appealing to the youth
Josh Widdicombe has an audience member aged just one
If broadcasters are obsessed with comedians with youth, Josh Widdicombe could be just what they need.
For the Last Leg comic has revealed that his gig in Nottingham on Saturday was interrupted by a one-year-old baby in the audience.
Apparently one of his more adult fans brought along her daughter, called Felicity, after being let down by a babysitter.
And the Royal Concert Hall let in the extra audience member – but charged the parent £1 to bring her in.
Widdicombe explained the unusual event on Twitter.
'Amazing scenes at last night’s tour show in Nottingham,' he wrote. 'In the first half I thought I could hear crying but thought nothing of it and presumed someone just had a weird laugh. Or one of those classic haunted theatres.
'Then I heard it again at the start of the second half and someone in the circle revealed they had brought a one year old to the show!
'I should say at this point I do worry a lot of the material would have gone over her head, she isn’t going to remember pagers let alone enjoy a routine about them.
'They revealed that Baby Felicity had been brought along because their babysitter was ill. When I asked how they got her into the gig they revealed the venue had simply charged them an extra quid!
'She struggled to sleep in the first half of the show but, in what I am taking as a lukewarm review, she managed to get some shut eye through the second half. Which I actually think is the stronger half, but you can’t please everyone.'
Published: 7 Oct 2019