A funny way to get engaged
Comedy club punter pops the question... after a comic suggests it
It’s not uncommon for a comedian to cheekily attempt to goad a bloke in the audience into proposing to his girlfriend. But it never actually works.
However, when Bennett Arron started chatting to punter Marc Travis about his relationship while on stage at the Newcastle Stand on Saturday night – he took the bait.
Travis used the microphone to pop the question to his girlfriend of 11 years, Amanda Adam – and she said yes.
They hugged and started crying. The audience gave them a standing ovation and the staff bought over a bottle of champagne.
‘This has never happened in all my years as a comedian,’ Arron said. ‘ I was on stage chatting with a couple and they said they had been dating for 11 years. I "suggested" that the guy should now propose and I offered him the microphone. So he did. And she said "yes". It was lovely.
‘It was at this point I realised I was only ten minutes into my 25-minute set and I now had to follow this situation.’
Amanda confirmed the news, posting a picture of her ring on social media.
She said: ‘Totally took us by surprise when the last comedian was asking about our relationship and said the whole night had been set up for Marc to ask me to marry him. Which he did in front of about 200 people.
‘So now we are officially engaged and couldn’t be happier.’
And in case you’re wondering, Arron has been invited to the wedding….
Published: 17 Sep 2019