Alan Partridge makes an A-grade blunder
You might have thought that Alan Partridge was a man who would know his A-roads.
But he’s been shown up for making a monumental blunder about Britain’s trunk road network – and in his native Norfolk too.
It has taken 16 years for Partridge to be found out, but fan Nick Ruskell, a music journalist, has spotted a glaring error in the series two episode Bravealan, when Partridge means kitchen magnate Dan Moody in his favourite petrol station.
He wrote this on Facebook, which was subsequently spotted by Shortlist:
‘When [Alan] meets Dan Moody he says about owning Kitchen Planet on the A416. This struck me as odd, as road numbering puts roads with 4s at the start in the top left section of roads coming out of London, whereas Norfolk is to the North East.
‘I looked it up, and BANG I was proved right, it’s near Hemel Hempstead, miles from Norwich. So either Dan Moody drives a very long way for petrol, or they screwed up. Also, would he be able to receive Radio Norwich so far away if he lived near the A416?’
One theory is that Alan meant to say ‘the A146’, which is in Norfolk, not ‘the A416’.
Either way, after such a troubling faux pas, it’s no wonder that Dan later blanked Alan in the car-park.
Published: 8 Nov 2018