'Protests will make Trump stronger'
So says British-based US comic
Mass protests at Donald Trump's UK visit will be counter-productive British-based American comedian, Erich McElroy says.
‘The protests against Trump will only make his base and Fox News happier,’ he says Erich.
‘They will be able to say, "The UK doesn’t like us any more. We like our new friends Kim Jong-un and Vladimir. They get us."
‘Besides, Trump doesn’t think he’s done a day’s work until he’s put someone’s nose out of joint (and played a round of golf).’
‘Meanwhile, it will be great watching his supporters in the US complain about people exercising their democratic right of freedom of expression. The irony will be lost on them, of course.’
Erich joked that the establishment should not roll out the red carpet for the US president.
‘He should be greeted by his Twitter pen pal Sadiq Khan after having to wait six hours to get through immigration,’ he said. ‘Srely Trump would appreciate that?
‘Then Trump could catch a show. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang would be good, especially since he can relate to the child catchers.
‘Finally, pack Trump off to Scotland to see where his mother was born. He feels a strong connection to the country and he gets his skin tone from Irn-Bru.’
Published: 5 Jul 2018