Not exactly Barry White...
Comic admits to making out to her own stand-up
Who says stand-ups are self-obsessed? Suzi Ruffell has admitted making out to the sound of her own voice …
She has confessed that a recording of her own stand-up once provided the unlikely erotic backdrop to her seduction efforts.
The comic recalled 'I had a female caller and I put on some music. But my phone would only go onto shuffle, annoyingly.
'We were having a very nice time in my bedroom and then an audio recording of me at a gig going "OK, I'm going to try some new material" blasted out ... and I had to make a very embarrassed run across the room and flick it on to the next thing.'
Fortunately, she focused. 'I thought, "I must tell this on stage",’ she admitted to fellow comic Tom Allen on their Like Minded Friends podcast.
Published: 22 Nov 2017