War on Christmas
Quote and tweets of the week
Quote of the week
’People ask me all the time, what it's like to be a woman in comedy. Even if no one exposes his penis to you, you're still dealing with a parade of total dicks.’ Samantha Bee
Tweets of the week
Tescos aren't even calling their Christmas sprouts CHRISTMAS sprouts this year, instead calling them BRUSSELS sprouts. This is the typical PC anti-Christian pro-EU nonsense we've come to expect in this country and it's not on.
— Dr*T (All I wanted was an edit button) (@Dr_star_T) November 12, 2017
2017 is a lot like 2016 but it's just the celebrities' careers that die.
— Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney) November 11, 2017
Greggs preparing its Easter meal deal special. pic.twitter.com/0kn2w2CYEP
— Tigersype (@Tigersype) November 15, 2017
Published: 17 Nov 2017