Here's one of the best video games for comedy
Luke Rollason shares his Perfect Playlist
15/08/2019 … A Pigeon Sat On A Branch Reflecting On Existence Charlie Chaplin said: ‘Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
Here comedians choose half-a-dozen or so of their favourite comedy moments, illustrated with clips. Whether it's just the things that make them laugh or important influences on their careers, these selections reveal what makes their comedy brains tick.
Luke Rollason shares his Perfect Playlist
15/08/2019 … A Pigeon Sat On A Branch Reflecting On Existence Charlie Chaplin said: ‘Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
Fringe comic James Barr, from the podcast A Gay And A Non-Gay, shares his comedy favourites.
14/08/2019 … Keeping Up Appearances! Forget the Kardashians, we should be keeping up with Hyacinth! If you haven't seen this show the IMDB description is very relatable:…
Impressionist Josh Berry shares his comedy favourites
13/08/2019 … Bo Burnham Bo Burnham is my favourite comedian of all time.
Alex Kealy picks his comedy favourites
12/08/2019 … The Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy The original two 1978 and 1980 radio series are perfect.
Comedy act Goose pick their comedy favourites
11/08/2019 … The Simpsons (the good ones) Every moment of our lives can be, and has been, mapped onto a moment in The Simpsons.
Liza Treyger picks her Perfect Playlist
10/08/2019 … Matt Rogers Twitter video: The Hottest Female Up In Whoville When this video hit the internet I finally knew what true regret felt like.
Siblings – aka Maddy and Marina Bye – pick their comedy favourites
09/08/2019 … Ace Ventura We can’t think of films we have wheeze-laughed at more in our entire existence.
Robin Morgan picks his comedy favourites
08/08/2019 … Tom Wrigglesworth’s Open Return Letter To Richard Branson This show changed everything for me.
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