'He sounds like a hipster shaman'
Chris Martin's Perfect Playlist
Chris Martin selects his comedy favourites.
Big Train
Just the funniest sketch show I've ever seen on TV. So many silly ideas that they follow through with.
There's obviously the 'no wanking in the office' sketch which is never not funny but there's also the staring competition and the sketch where Simon Pegg is really smarmy and smooth but is incapable of opening a door.
Bill Burr
I think I first heard about him through Chortle when he was on stage in Philadelphia and raged against the crowd for 10 minutes.
I've seen him live several times and he is always doing new stuff. Sometimes you might not agree with what he says but his effort to talk through the logic and the skill involved in his act-outs and language choice is insane.
He always gets the maximum amount out of any premise: it's like every topic is a chicken wing and he always makes sure he picks every bit of chicken off it.
I think my favourite bit he does is about punching muffins in his early special.
Pete Holmes
I don't think many people in the UK know about Pete but his sensibilities are right up my street. His comedy doesn't attack anyone and is so silly. As well as hosting a great podcast, You Made It Weird, where he can get pretty deep with people talking about eating healthy and meditating, which some people might hate but I love all that stuff.
As a stand-up, he also manages to get the most out of a topic, best seen in his magic routine: a routine I remember watching and thinking 'I 100 per cent agree with this!' MAGIIIIICCCCCCCCC.
Chelsea Peretti's special: One Of The Greats
Not only is there some incredibly well observed stand-up in this, she has shaken up a really trodden path when it comes to online specials. Every time I've watched a special there's always some unnecessary shit I hate seeing, like them walking into the theatre, them having a pre-amble with people backstage and the cut-aways. Stop showing people laughing, it's so boring!
Chelsea instead completely takes the piss and every time there is a cutaway to cute dog she's put in the audience or an old Italian man eating a hard boiled egg. It's such a silly idea which really adds to the special.
Kyle Kinane
Kyle Kinane is another master of squeezing as much humour out of something that has happened to him. The way he talks he sounds more like a hipster shaman.
Celia Pacquola first introduced him to me on the way back from a gig in Swansea. She put his album on and I was blown away but how long he managed to talk about a man eating pancakes on an airplane.
Trevor Crook:Babysitting Trevor
Now this may seem like selfish promotion but the person who make me laugh more than anyone on earth is Trevor Crook. I used to watch Trevor on TV in the early naughties and late 90s when he was on Paramount Comedy on late night TV shows. His deadpan persona cracked me up.
Then when I started doing comedy I heard so many stories about him and when I first met him I wasn't disappointed as he is a like a story jukebox with a million pounds of credit.
In the Babysitting Trevor podcast, Carl Donnelly (who's also a funny man you should check out) and I try to unlock Trevor's unique way of looking at life as well as get him to tell us as many of his countless stories as he can. I think my highlight of the series is in the episode called A Slipper for Every Room, where he tells us about what he thinks about on a long haul flight.
• Chris Martin's show The One And Only Chris Martin is on at Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree at 14:45
Published: 24 Aug 2017
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