Edinburgh Fringe announces its £2,500 bursary recipients | Third year of the Keep It Fringe assistance © Chortle

Edinburgh Fringe announces its £2,500 bursary recipients

Third year of the Keep It Fringe assistance

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society has announced 180 recipients of  a £2,500 bursary to help them bring a show to this year’s festival

This is the third year the  Keep it Fringe fund has been run – backed this year and last by a  £1million injection of government cash.

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy said: ‘The Fringe is the largest performing arts festival in the world and gives creatives from across the UK the opportunity to showcase the wide variety of talent this nation has to offer.

‘This funding will ensure that artists from all backgrounds have the opportunity to put on a show for the international audiences and industry professionals that gather in Edinburgh each summer and enable the Fringe to continue to boost our up-and-coming artists.’

The fund received 848 applications, which were reviewed by 28 independent assessors. 

Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said: ‘This year we received the highest number of applications to date which highlights how valued and needed this initiative is… We know that for many artists the financial challenges of putting on a show can prevent some from coming to the Fringe, and this funding will enable the Edinburgh Fringe to be more accessible to artists from across the UK.  

The successful 2025 recipients  are:

4PLAY, Colours Run

Agent Red Arts, AUDITION

Aisheshek Magauina, 2 Muslim 2 Furious 2: Go Halal or Go Home

Alastair Clark, Alastair Clark: On The Record

Alex Mitchell, Alex Mitchell: "Tough"

Alfie Webster, lenny.

Alice Cockayne, Alice Cockayne:

Alison Affleck, ali affleck and The Traveling Janes

Alison Spittle, Fat Bitch

Amy Mason, Amy Mason: No Thanks

Amy Yeo, Well Behaved Women

Angela King, A Period of Faith

Aoife Parr, anatomy of pain

Arron Jones Entertainment, #1 Greatest Hit Rock 'N' Roll Magic Show

Audaciously Tenacious Theatre, Perfect Dead Girls

Ava Beaux, Ava & Beaux: Tales of Magic

Belis Abysss, Unlearning Mastery

Best in Class, Best in Class

Beth Mullen, Clementine

Bobby Bradley & Emery Hunter, Dregs

Brass Tacks Comedy, Jack Traynor

Cameron Sinclair Harris, Cameron Sinclair Harris: PLANETS!!!

Caroline Madds, Buzzin'

Caroline McEvoy, Caroline McEvoy: Train Man

Castile Collective Ltd, The Queen Is Mad

Chakira Alin, House Party

Christian Dart, Christian Dart: GUMSHOE!

Claire Parry, I am Claire Parry (very funny stand-up)

Clare Fraenkel, I WAS A GERMAN

Clare Noy, Funny Though

Cloud, Warm As Summer, Bright As Blood

Coral Bevan / Asparagus Mousse, Fisherman Jon: What's on the end of my rod? - a clown odyssey

Curly, C U Later, Simulator

Daniel McKeon, Boyboss

Danielle Reales, Spectrum

Dare Theatre, Youth In Flames

David Ferguson, David Ferguson: Bedhead

Dean T. Beirne, Fated to Pretend

Dee Allum, The Meaning of Life

Deiseil Airson Dannsa, Deiseil


Dora Colquhoun, The Lodger

Ebdon Management, Joz Norris: You Wait. Time Passes.

Effectus Theatre, Sing, Sign and Sensory - On Safari

Elastic Fantastic, Shallowspace Cryotech Feverdream

Eleanor May Blackburn, A Sudden, Disturbing To-Do List

Eliza Kate Nelson, Sinnyworld

Emballage, The Writing of Stones

Emily Briggs, Garbanzo

Emily Davis, Escape the Rat Race

Emma Ruse Productions, Jumper Bumps

Emotionally Volatile Productions, Bluebeard's Castle

Emul8 Theatre, Becoming Maverick

Fella, Show us ur fruitcake

Fiona Louise Moon, A Brief History of Neurodivergence

Fraser Penman, Penman - The Imagination - You!

Full Frontal Theatre LTD, Rodney Black: Who Cares? It's Working

G+J Productions, Some Masterchef Sh*t

Genesis Theatre Productions, Lost Girls / At Bus Stops

Georgia Bruce, Attention

Ghouls Aloud, Elysium - a new ghost story with original music

Ginger Black Productions, Life Would be Pretty Dull Without Sex, Raves and MDMA

Giselle: Remix, Giselle: Remix

Grace Mulvey, Did you hear we are all going to die?

Grace Whitty, The last Oak Tree

Grey Castle Productions, Two Tribes

Grownup Playhouse, Milly’s Musical Adventure

Half Diamond Theatre, A Most Pressing Issue

Hasan Al-Habib, Death to the West Midlands

Hassan Govia, Because

Higgledy Piggledy Productions, PALS

Holly Gifford, Big Little Sister

Holly Redford-Jones, I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar

Holly Spillar, Holly Spillar: TALL CHILD

Hunter Millington, A Northern Tr*nny Hootenanny


Jack Brownridge-Kelly, Cold, Dark Matters

Jacob Nussey, Primed

James Clements, The Burns Project

Jessica Aszkenasy, TITCLOWN

Joe Sutherland, Joe Sutherland: Miss World

Julia Salkin/Serpentine Productions, were you in terror?

June Tuesday, June Tuesday: Comic Trans

Kane & Abel, Twin Feats

Kathy Maniura, Kathy Maniura: The Cycling Man

Katie Mitchell, Spine Hygiene

Katie Pritchard, Katie Pritchard: I Kiss The Music

Katy Baird, Get Off

Kayleigh Jones, I Fed My Dad to a Pelican

Keturah Peirson and Evelina Rudasa, Why Won’t They Eat The Cake?

Kie Carson, Silly & Starving

Kiren Virdee, Does Anyone Else Smell Curry?

Kumar Muniandy, Second Class Queer

Lachlan Werner, Lachlan Werner: WonderTwunk

Ladyblue Music, The Beauty of Bacharach

Laugh For Life Comedy, Behind the Laughter

Laura-Rose Layden, GREY

Lauren Talitha Ziebart, Sheepish

Liam Withnail, Liam Withnail - Trauma Dump No Lols

Liebenspiel, Bedlam Late

Little Seeds Music, Cinderella Ice Cream Seller

Lorna Rose Treen, Lorna Rose Treen: The Diner Show

Louisa Marshall, Clean Slate

Lucy Aphramor, Taking the Biscuit

Lucy Roslyn, Lovett

LULA.XYZ Ltd, I AM: A Walking Universe

Made You Look Productions, Lioness

Maria A L Zani, The Collective: Breaking Barriers at the Fringe

Maria Who?, Miss Brexit

Martha Pailing, Chat Sh*t, Get Hit

Jasmine Thien, I Dream in Colour

Maybe You Like It, Down to Chance

Mianoora Kosonen, Echoes of Finland: Rare Piano Gems by Sibelius, Madetoja & Palmgren

Michelle Burke, Mind How You Go

Mohit Mathur, Dial 1 for UK

Molly Farquhar, Hairy B*stard

Molly McGuinness, Slob

Moon Rabbit Theatre, Shirley: A Ghost Story

Moonbeam Theatre Ltd, Once Upon A Flowerbed

Moonstone Theatre Company, ENOUGH.

mr blue productions, Something Else

Narin Ozenci, Narin Oz (Inner Child(ish)

Nate Kitch, Nate Kitch: Something Different!!!!!

Nathan Cassidy, Nathan Cassidy: It's Not The End Of The World

Niall Moorjani Storyteller, Kanpur: 1857

Northern Lights Theatre, The Sculpture

Orla Newmark, Orla Newmark and Will Hughes: Chef's Treat (WIP)

Out Of The Forest Theatre Ltd, Bury The Hatchet

Ozzy Algar, Ozzy Algar: Speed Queen

Parky Players, Been There, Done That, Got The Symptoms

Passing Stranger Theatre Company, People We Bury Alive

Pedro Leandro, Soft Animal

Piers MacKenzie, COURIER

Pigs Fly LTD, E@sy Ryan


Ray Productions & Big Sofa Theatre, Egg’s Aren’t That Easy To Make

Roarrr Theatre, Here Comes GuDong

Rodreguez King-Dorset, I am the Greatest!

Rosa Garland, Primal Bog

Saksi Bisou, Stampin' in the Graveyard

Salt Circle Productions, Bea P. Deigh

Sam Nicoresti, Sam Nicoresti: Baby Doomer

Sam Williams, Touch Me Not

Samia Rida, Kidnap

scott turnbull presents, Scott Turnbull presents...Surreally Good

Seemia Theatre CIC, Saria Callas

Shahaf Beer, The Jewish Dog

Shalaka Kurup, Shalaka Kurup: Get a Grip

Short and Sweet Theatre, Milk On The Side: A Barista Musical

Shy Bairns, Shy Bairns Get Nowt

Siblings Comedy, Siblings

SkelpieLimmer, SHAME SHOW

SkelpieLimmer Productions, Anthem For Dissatisfaction

Slow Theatre Company, ALICE

Sufrecs Ltd, Sufrecs Presents: 'Live Music and Chat: "A Kick Up The Arts" Live Podcast Event' (working title)

Susan Riddell , Kopfkino

Tamsyn Kelly, Tamsyn Kelly Hot Titty Bungalow

TEAM Collective Cymru, Relay

The Biscuit Barrel, Biscuit Barrel: The 69-Sketch Show

The Crunch Collective, Nick it For Munich

The Harbourers Theatre, Harbouring

The Horgles, A Xerox of a Deer

Tigers, Not Daughters, Cara and Kelly are Best Friends Forever for Life

Tom Little, Tom Little Less Conversation, Tom Little More Action

Tomas McCabe, 1Date: The Dating Game Show

TRIADA theatre company, HER RAVING MIND

Uncaged Theatre, Love you, bye

Undone Theatre, The Butterfly Project

Unexpected Places, After Juliet

V Jay Theatre Productions, Streets Paved with Gold

Victoria Evaristo, Ma Joyce's Tales from the Parlour

Victoria Firth, Batty!

Victoria Melody, Re-Enactment

wendy houstoun, Watch It!

Wilmas Productions, Mr Jones

Xhi Ndubisi, The Apologetics of Icarus

Youth Action Alliance, As We Face The Sun by Kit Withington

Note: This list does not include the full list of recipients as three shows are still going through the final stages of confirmation.

Published: 7 Mar 2025

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