Dad’s Army Radio Show embarks on its sixth tour
The one dedicated to Ian Lavender
The Dad’s Army Radio Show is going out on its sixth tour.
Actors Jack Lane and David Benson will act out all the parts in three different classic episodes of the popular sitcom, as previously adapted for radio.
The radio series, which ran from 1974 to 1976, was written by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles, based on the original TV scripts created by Jimmy Perry and David Croft.
The 2024 tour is dedicated to the memory of Ian Lavender, who was the last member of the original Dad’s Army cast when he died earlier this year at the age of 77.
Lane said: ‘Losing Ian Lavender feels like the end of an era and whilst the platoon may have fallen, we have been gifted a phenomenal legacy of laughter and happiness from these fine actors and sublime writers.
It’s filled my life and career with endless joy, for which I am eternally grateful.
‘Ian joined the cast of Dad’s Army fresh out of drama school. Working alongside such seasoned actors must have been daunting to a young lad but he proved his ability immediately; Ian’s comic timing was superb, he soon found himself with episodes devoted to his character, which speaks volumes of Perry & Croft’s belief in his comic ability.
‘Pike is integral to the ensemble, providing youthful comic gags and breaking the generation barrier.’
Benson added: ‘I was lucky to meet him on several happy occasions and always found him delightful, modest and unassuming but confident of his abilities.
‘He beamed with pleasure whenever I engaged him on the subject of Dad’s Army and he always spoke with deep affection for his old buddies; especially John Le Mesurier who, I am told, thought the world of Ian.
‘We will have Ian in our hearts as we set out on the road again with The Dad’s Army Radio Show – and we know that every audience member who hears Jack’s heartfelt recreation of his performance as Pike, will share our sadness at his passing but will remember him with gratitude and with laughter.’
The scripts being staged in the new tour – which kicks off in Horsham on May 3 and includes a week at the Wilton’s Music Hall in London are:
The Love of Three Oranges: A church bazaar is organised for the "Comforts for the Troops Fund". Hodges intends to auction three oranges, and Capt. Mainwaring is determined to get hold of one for Mrs Mainwaring.
The Miser’s Hoard: When Frazer is revealed to have a secret stash of gold sovereigns, Mainwaring believes he must hand them over for safe keeping.
The Making of Private Pike: Pike borrows Mainwaring’s staff car to drive his new girlfriend to the cinema in Eastgate. On the way back, however, and nine miles from Walmington, it runs out of petrol.
» The Dad’s Army Radio Show tour dates
Published: 26 Mar 2024