Shitfaced sign language
BSL interpreter takes on sozzled Shakespeare show
Shit-faced Shakespeare are to perform their first show with a British Sign Language interpreter.
The troupe are currently resident in London's Leicester Square Theatre with their version of Much Ado About Nothing, with the idea that one of the actors gets drunk before the show and the rest of the cast have to accommodate their alcohol-fuelled interruptions.
On July 22 the team will be joined by BSL interpreter Vicky Pannell, who said: 'I'm looking forward to interpreting this show as booze and theatre are two of my favourite things. In fact - maybe I should have a little tipple too!'
Around 30,000 people saw Shit-Faced Shakespeare in the UK last year and a further 35,000 in the USA, and the current show runs until h September 16.
Published: 27 Jun 2017