Adam Kay to write eight more children’s books
All illustrated by Henry Paker
Adam Kay is to write eight more children’s books – including his first novel.
Dexter Proctor: The Ten-Year-Old Doctor will be out next autumn and – like all the titles in the new deal – be illustrated by fellow comedian Henry Paker.
The contract with publishers Puffin also includes a follow-up middle-grade novel – for readers aged eight to 12 – plus three novelty board books and three picture books for younger readers.
This Is Going To Hurt author Kay joked: ‘Bloody hell? What? I’ve got to write eight more books?’
The blurb for the Dexter Proctor book reads: ‘It was clear from an early age that Dexter Proctor was different. For instance, he started speaking at four seconds old. By the age of three, he had 87 A-levels, from Afrikaans to Zoology. And by ten, he was working as a paediatrician at Lilydale General Hospital.
‘Despite a loving but annoying family and a couple of good friends (Rupi and Otto), Dexter’s always struggled to fit in. Add to this a mortal enemy (Dr Drake) and a major problem at his old school (all the teachers struck down with awful diarrhoea), will Dexter be able to save his job, save the school and find his place in the world? (Spoiler alert – yes.)’
Puffin publishing director Ruth Knowles said: 'Adam and Henry’s hilarious and special way of bringing science to young people just gets better with each book they do. I learn something new and laugh out loud every time I read something from them, and I’m a total convert to their belief that learning about the human body and the human brain and all it can achieve is completely fascinating.
‘Their move to fiction for middle-grade readers, and expanding their presence in pre-school, is of course a reflection of our commitment to them as one of the most exciting children’s books partnerships around, but also reflects their amazing creativity.’
Francesca Dow, Puffin's managing director added: 'Adam’s extraordinary brand of laugh-out-loud funny and informative writing, paired with Henry’s brilliantly silly illustrations, will have kids hooting with laughter across our new titles.
'It’s this unique talent to entertain, educate and inspire young readers in all matters medical and scientific that makes Adam Kay and his co-pilot Henry one of today’s most exciting children’s author/illustrator pairings.'
The pair already have two books on the way even before this new eight-book deal.
They previously released the factual kids books Kay's Anatomy and Kay's Marvellous Medicine with a third – Kay’s Incredible Inventions – due out on November 2.
Their picture book Amy Gets Eaten, published in April, will get a sequel Simon Gets Sneezed, early next year.
Paker said: ‘I’m delighted to continue expanding the Kay/Paker Universe! I’m going to need a new pen!’
Published: 27 Sep 2023