Mark Thomas scoops another Fringe First
Edinburgh accolade for the monologue England & Son
Mark Thomas has just won his fifth Fringe First award from The Scotsman.
The comic won the drama accolade for the new one-man play England & Son at Summerhall.
The newspaper's critics called the show ‘a passionate plea for humanity’, adding: ‘The central character is not only a victim, but also - in a classic white working-class dilemma - the son of a man who was himself involved in the worst kinds of oppression, both domestic and colonial.’
It is the first show he has not written himself, Instead it was created by playwright Ed Edwards, a former circus performer who previously wrote The Political History of Smack and Crack. It is based on characters the comedian knew in his childhood and who the writer encountered in jail while serving a drugs sentence.
The Scotsman added: ‘The result is a heartbreakingly powerful, sharp and tragic monologue for a man full of wise-guy working-class energy.'
Thomas said of receiving the award: ‘I’m so bloody chuffed. I turned 60 this year so very happy to be picking one of these up. I first came to the Fringe 41 years ago and still love it. We have a brilliant team and Ed Edwards will have the award in his study because he’s brilliant.’
He previously received shows for his own monologues Bravo Figaro, Cuckooed, The Red Shed and Check Up: Our NHS At 70
Also receiving Fringe Firsts today are: The Grand Old Opera House Hotel (Traverse), A Funeral For My Friend Who is Still Alive (TheSpaceUK @ Niddry Street, but ends tomorrow), JM Coetzee’s Life and Times of Michael K (Assembly Hall) , Funeral (Zoo Southside) and Heaven (Traverse)
Published: 11 Aug 2023