Chris McCausland pilots BBC gameshow
What's In The Box? guessing game in development
Chris McCausland is piloting a guessing game for the BBC called What’s In The Box?
As the title suggests, contestants will have to guess the contents of a box without being able to see inside it.
Earlier this year, the blind comedian piloted a radio format he devised, You Heard It Here First, in which a panel of comedians had to ‘live in an audio-only world, deciphering brainteaser sound cues for points and pride whilst trying not to muck about too much along the way’.
McCausland, a panel show regular on the likes of Have I Got News For You, The News Quiz and Would I Lie to You? lost his eyesight because of the genetic condition retinitis pigmentosa.
What’s In The Box? is being piloted by the BBC’s programme-making arm BBC Studios, and will not be for transmission, trade website Broadcast reports,
Published: 1 Jul 2022