Gigs to Brighton your day...
The best of the week's live comedy
The best of the week's live comedy, picked from the 9,349 events Chortle currently has listed. Use our search panel to check out our full listings by date and region
Sunday May 1
TAUNTON: Musical siblings Flo & Joan are back in the UK following a successful run at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, touring their Sweet Release show through to the start of July. Flo & Joan tour dates and review
Tuesday May 3
LONDON: Tom Allen and friends - Charlie Baker, Fatiha El-Ghorri and Suzi Ruffell - try out new material at 21Soho,
Thursday May 5
LONDON: Katherine Ryan starts a three-night London Palladium run of her latest stand-up show, Missus, about her marrying her first love 'accidentally'.
Friday May 6
BRIGHTON: A new season of Stand Up Under The Stars kicks off at the Brighton Open Air Theatre. Let's hope the weather holds out for Reginald D Hunter, Suzi Ruffell, Esther Manito and Ian Smith. Tickets. It's also the start of the Brighton Fringe today, with more than 700 events over the next month. Check the website for full listings.
LONDON: Astutely funny Andrew Maxwell headlines a strong line-up at Headliners in Chiswick tonight and tomorrow, ably supported by Cally Beaton and Dave Fulton. Tickets
CAMBERLEY: Livewire, powerhouse comedy from Eshaan Akbar, Nabil Abdulrashid, Tez Ilyas and Aatif Nawaz as the touring stand-up showcase The Muslims Are Coming arrives at Camberley Theatre.
Saturday May 7
LONDON: An embarrassment of riches at the new Woolwich Works venues, as top promoters Show & Tell present Milton Jones, Nina Conti, Thanyia Moore, Babatunde Aleshe and John Robins on one amazing bill.
Published: 1 May 2022