Jimmy Carr has a heckler thrown out
Watch the footage
Here is the moment Jimmy Carr lost his patience with heckler at his stand-up show.
The footage shows the comedian interrupting his show in Poole, Dorset, on Thursday to intervene fromt he stage as security staff tried to eject a disruptive man near the front of the auditorium.
The comic tells the venue’s bouncers: ’Guys, stop negotiating with him and get him out the fucking building’ – to huge cheers from the rest of the audience. ‘Get him out of the room,’ Carr added.
He then apologised to the audience, saying ‘it very occasionally happens’ – prompting more calls to ‘get him out’ from the audience.
Carr acknowledge that it was ‘slightly awkward’ but said he wasn’t prepared to continue to put up with it for the sake of those sitting near the heckler.
After a while, Carr’s personal security detail appears from the wings, and the comic instructs him: ‘Steven, fucking have him.’
As the audience chants Steven’s name supportively, Carr added: ‘Steven does my security - he does not give a f**k.’
The man was finally dragged away, with Carr reportedly telling him: ‘You've done this to yourself mate. If it's any consolation, I'll keep the money. Don’t forget to buy my book!’
One audience member, Mandy Cope, told local website Dorset Live: ‘Initially they weren't being abusive, just annoying, thinking everyone was enjoying their constant interactions which were interrupting Jimmy's flow and the audience's enjoyment. Jimmy let them know that they were being annoying with his banter, but they were loving this attention and did not take the hint.’
Another punter, Craig Horrocks, added: ‘Jimmy Carr handled it like only Jimmy Carr could, he absolutely ruined the bloke. The rest of the show once he was removed was brilliant’
» Chortle interview with Jimmy Carr
Published: 11 Oct 2021