Dear Joan & Jericha becomes a book
By Julia Davis and Vicki Pepperdine
Julia Davis and Vicki Pepperdine have written a book in the guise of their agony aunt alter-egos Joan and Jericha.
The comedy stars introduced the characters in a hit podcast, Dear Joan & Jericha, which ran in 2018 and 2019.
Now they have announced that their book, entitled Why He Turns Away: Do's And Don'ts From Dating To Death will be published on October 29.
The blurb says: 'What we offer here is a lifeline, a service, much like the NHS, or perhaps more accurately, the AA. Joan and Jericha: AA for the heart. Affording you the opportunity to have a breakdown, call for a pick-up truck, stop off for a Full English whilst a hairy guy in a grubby onesie fumbles under your bonnet and tweaks at your wiring, before sending you on your way, lubricated, primed, pumped and pretty.'
The book also offers potted biography of their two counsellor characters:
Joan Damry was born in Galbraith, Scotland, one of nine children crammed happily into a two-up two-down with an outside toilet. Joan entered the world feet first, the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around the top of her head like a fleshy turban, leaving her with a cone-shaped skull, which is why she continues to wear her hair high. Devoted mother of five and wife to coma-bound husband Ralph, Joan is also a life coach, psychogenital counsellor, much admired TED-talk speaker, accomplished flautist and writer of bestselling erotic fiction series Lust and Lies at Glanmore Manor. Joan has been married six times, three of her husbands having tragically taken their own lives.
Jericha Domain is proud to be British. Dedicated mother and tender wife (though her husband Philip spends 98% of his time running a Boy Scout school in Thailand), Jericha is also an award-winning writer having penned five books on depression, and another entitled Wild Lady Swims: A guide to Britain's Most Polluted Waterways. A keen front crawler,
Jericha is often seen pounding up and down the Regent's Canal, dodging oncoming craft in her russet tankini and homemade flippers. Jericha divides her days between broadcasting, writing, lecturing, gardening and liaising with the police regarding her adult daughter Cardinal, who Mahmoud once described as a 'walking syndrome'.
The book will be published by Trapeze and is available to order here.
Published: 11 Jun 2020